Personal Data

Name: Emmanuel Gonda Losio

Place of Birth: Born in Kapoeta, Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan

Sunrise/Date of Birth: 1st January 1946


Father: Mr. Benjamin Losio Clan: Leikor Gulung

Mother: Mrs. Maratha Kandenya Clan: Kande’ba

Family Life

Siblings: 3 brothers and 1 sister

Wife: Happily married to L/R Mama Tamara Poni Yengi of Logu Buliton Clan for over 50 years

Children: Blessed with 8 children (4 boys 2 of whom passed on at an

early age and 4 girls)

Grandchildren: Survived with 14 grand children

Religious Life

• Devote Catholic from childhood

• Ex- Seminarian

• Parishioner at Christ the King in Yei

• Pioneer of St. Kizito Pastoral Parish Council

• Fulfilled the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and marriage in the Catholic Church


• Lutaya Elementary School in Yei 1952- 1954

• Rajaf Elementary School 1955 - 1956

• Juba One Intermediate School 1957-1960

• Juba Commercial Secondary School 1961

• Lutaya/Tore Minor Seminary in Yei in 1960s

• Bukasa College in Uganda ..

• Makerere Institute of Accountancy in Kampala, Uganda ..

Work Experience

• 1965 – 1978 Started as a Bookkeeper and progressed to an accountant at Makerere University Bookshop in Uganda

• 1979 – 1980 Worked as Accountant for the German Medical Team (GMT) in Yei and Juba

• 1981 – 2005 Finance and Administration Officer at UNICEF Juba

• 2005 Retired from service as Senior Finance Administrator


• Referred to Khartoum for treatment

• Died 29th November 2022 at 11:45 pm


To all of us, Emmanuel Gonda lived a fulfilling life of dedication, conviction and hard work as manifested by his years of service to society.To the family, he was a loving husband, father, grandfather and friend. We would have loved to have him longer with us but our ways are not God’s ways.We believe that beyond the gloomy darkness of death lies the dawn of immortality where father Emmanuel Gonda has gone and is happily taking his deserved eternal rest with the angels and saints.The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord